Cookie Preferences

Required Cookies

These cookies are needed to provide basic functionalities as you browse GEWE-Trade website. These capabilities include cookie preferences, load balancing and session management.

– Enable cookie consent collection and cookie blocking for privacy controls
– Manage on line services, load balancing and performance
– Maintain user’s input while filling out online contact forms

Functional Cookies

These cookies are used to capture and remember user preferences in GEWE-Trade websites, enhance their usability, analyze site usage and enable social interactions and site optimization.

– Analyze site usage to provide better content experiences
– Conduct analytics to optimize site functionality
– Make sure the website looks and feels consistent
– Third party social plugin for sharing logged in state for members of a social network

Personalization Cookies

These cookies are used to improve the overall experience of your visit to GEWE-Trade website and to tailor content and advertising to your interests.

– Allow you to share pages with social networks
– Allow you to post comments
– Allows personalization of GEWE-Trade page content and GEWE-Trade marketing relevant to your interests on GEWE-Trade and on third party publishers

Date: 02, May 2022